Careers in Manufacturing
Manufacturers in the VI/Coastal Region are interested in working with partners and stakeholders to increase awareness of careers in manufacturing and to encourage young people to acquire the skills and training needed to be successful in the manufacturing sector. The links on this page provide a glimpse into a few of the organizations and initiatives that are working to develop skills that are consistent with those needed in manufacturing.
Skills Exploration – Skills Exploration 10-12 is an engaging program in which students use hands-on learning to acquire skills and knowledge related to the construction trades, the automotive industry, and the manufacturing sector. The modular structure of Skills Exploration 10-12 means school districts can tailor the program based on local needs — availability of instructors, facilities and materials. Many of the activities found in the modules are designed as standalone resources, allowing for flexible implementation in the shop and classroom.
BC Technology Educators Association – The British Columbia Technology Education Association (BCTEA) is a Provincial Specialist Association (PSA) of the British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF). The BCTEA represents Technology Education teachers and those teachers promoting the development and growth of Applied Design Skills and Technologies (ADST), Makerspaces and Tech Ed in British Columbia schools. The BCTEA also works with like minded groups at the Elementary and Secondary levels (K – 12) in addition to organizations that are involved in areas such as trades training and setting industry standards for training young workers.
Industry Training Authority (ITA) – Industry Training Authority manages over one-hundred trades programs in BC, forty-nine of which are Red Seal.
Trades Training BC – Trades Training BC is a consortium of 15 public post-secondary educational institutions created to promote trades training in British Columbia. Trades Training BC’s primary function is to encourage students and others considering career retraining to explore trades as a viable career option. Additionally, Trades Training BC acts as an advocate for the member institutions in their communication with the public, government, businesses and other stakeholders. is a portal created by the consortium to provide current Trades training schedules while directing students and employers to Apprenticeship, Foundation, Vocational, and Youth programs offered at the member institutions throughout BC.
Skills Canada – British Columbia – Since 1994 Skills Canada British Columbia (SkillsBC) has operated as a provincial not for profit/charitable organization, working with industry, educators, government and labour to promote rewarding and in-demand skilled trade & technology careers to BC’s youth.
Widely recognized for its annual 14 Olympic–style competitions hosted in communities throughout BC, Skills BC has provided tens of thousands of students with opportunities to explore skilled trades and technology careers for the past 22 years.
Education Planner BC – EducationPlannerBC helps learners make well informed decisions about their education and career options. Use the Plan section to find articles and information about the different paths along the student journey.
Discover Skills BC – Discover Skills BC is an initiative funded by the BC Government to provide access for secondary students and their teachers and parents to the many educational opportunities available to them in trades and technology training.
Discover Skills BC offers a wealth of programs and training options to give BC students the skills they need to lead exciting and rewarding careers. Students, parents and educators can learn more about these opportunities here.
Career Education Society – The CES Career Education Society is a BC based, non-profit organization of people in education, business, industry, labour, government and private organizations who work together to champion career and learning management as an essential life skill.
Phone: (250) 812-8827